
Flatulence Causes; What Causes Excess Gas


Causes of Flatulence; what causes gas problems

There are many things that will cause you to have gas and it is not always the beans you had for dinner. Many people struggle with excessive gas and need to pinpoint the cause. Here is a look at common causes of embarrassing gas.

Flatulence caused due to Foods:

There are many foods that will cause you to suffer from gas. Food can cause gas faster than anything else. Any food that cannot be completely digested, such as foods with high fiber are certainly the cause of gas forming. These often include foods in the fruit and vegetable food groups such as broccoli, garlic, onions, spinach, cauliflower and beans. Dairy products may also cause gas in people who are sensitive to lactose. When you know what foods cause gas, then you can eliminate those foods from your diet or eat them alongside gas medication.Flatulence caused due to Foods

Medical conditions causing gas problems:

There are many medical conditions that also cause gas. Bowel obstructions, irritable bowel syndrome (also known as IBS), abdominal cancer, cirrhosis, gastric ulcers and gastritis are just a few of the common medical conditions known to cause gas. When you cannot find any explanation for your excess gas, then you might want to talk to your doctor. He or she can find out if you have a more serious condition that needs attention.

Flatulence due to Food allergies:

Food allergies can also cause gas in many people. This is especially true for those that are lactose intolerant. If foods are difficult for your body to digest, then it will cause problems in your intestines. If you are suffering from excess gas, and you also have loose stools, abdominal cramping and diarrhea, soon after you eat, then it is likely you have gas due to food allergies.

These are a few causes of embarrassing flatulence. Most likely, your excess gas is due to the foods that you eat, but if you find that it gets worse, then see your doctor and get help.

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Flatulence Causes; What Causes Excess Gas
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