
Flatulence or Excess Gas Causes, Treatments and Symptoms


What is Flatulence? What causes Flatulence?

Everyone gets gas every now and then. It's a simple fact of life. In fact, it is estimated that the average person passes gas at least 14 times a day. When air goes into the body, it must go out (this are a few of the flatulence causes) and sometimes gas can be embarrassing and unexpected. It can come at the most inopportune times. But, most people just go on with their day. However, some people suffer from excessive gas on a regular basis and that is not so hard to ignore. When you have excessive gas, you may have a medical condition that needs attention. So, how do you determine whether your flatulence is a minor nuisance or a big problem?

image Flatulence or Excess Gas Causes, Treatments and Symptoms

When you can’t function due to flatulence:

Excess gas is a problem when you find that you are too embarrassed or cannot function on a day to day basis. Believe it or not, many people do have this problem. If you find that you are avoiding contact with other people, or you are severely limiting your diet to try to calm your gas, then it may be time to visit with your doctor. Gas is usually a sign of a diet rich in fiber, however, excessive gas is easily caused by more serious conditions such as Chronis Disease, colon disorders and even food allergies.

If you are experiencing severe gas in addition to vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fever, bloody stool, abdominal pain, swelling or cramps that will not subside, then this is also an indication that it is time to visit your physician. Your doctor can take a look at what you eat, your previous medical conditions and your complaints and try to diagnose or pinpoint the problem. Sometimes, tests are run to determine the source of the gas. With this, your doctor will help alleviate your embarrassing problem and find flatulence treatment plan that works for you.

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Flatulence or Excess Gas Causes, Treatments and Symptoms
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