
Is there a connection between Constipation and Acne?


Are you experiencing delay in your bowel movement? Say almost every three days before you stool? Well, it is of no doubt you are constipated. Constipation can happen to anyone at any given time. It depends mostly on ones’ way of life.

Constipation occurs mainly in not having sufficient fiber in their diet. Secondarily, to those who lack physical activity, those drinking milk without drinking eight glasses of water every day, problems with the colons and rectum, and other activities that have something to do with the digestive system.

Constipation, on the other hand causes acne. Study shows that insulin resistance and cholesterol are two of the reasons in the development of that skin condition or spot. That is why it is advisable to have a high fiber diet in order to lower if not normalize high blood pressure and insulin levels. With high fiber intake, it lowers cholesterol. The skin will not have extra cholesterol to use to make androgen which triggers spot lesion. Insulin resistance triggers spot as well. To avoid acne, avoid constipation first. If you cannot have a high fiber diet, have an enough fiber diet instead. You can have 20-35 grams of fiber a day. You can actually seek the help of a dietician if necessary. To enumerate, fiber foods include wheat bread, fruits, cereals, and vegetables. Accompanied by this diet are the less intake of those low in fiber foods like canned goods, junk foods, etc.

Another solution in getting rid of constipation is a change in lifestyle which really works too. If you are used to drinking beverages every day instead of drinking water, you still have the time to make amends. Drink enough water so as not to become dehydrated especially when you are constipated. If you are used to not exercising, change it now. Try to do some exercise at least 15 minutes every day. You can do brisk walking or just running around your neighborhood. This change in lifestyle is not only to avoid constipation but also as your key in having a healthy life.

Better treat constipation because this might not only cause said skin condition or spot but it may lead to complications that include hemorrhoids which if chronic will need to undergo surgery. So each one of us should always put in mind that constipation chooses no one, it can be acquired by anyone. Again, bear in mind to have good and proper high fiber diet, exercise regularly and lots of liquid intake.

Is the title answered? Indeed. There is really a connection between constipation and acne — that if you are constipated more likely you are to acquire acne.

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Is there a connection between Constipation and Acne?
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