
Preventing Constipation Naturally


Constipation can be a painful frustrating and annoying problem. Too often people try to solve this problem immediately by taking a trip to the medicine cabinet where they figure a solution to this problem can be easily found. They would be considerably better off if they took both a preventive and natural approach to solving this problem.

Constipation is a common enough problem to have created a market in over-the-counter medications designed to provide quick and relatively painless relief. And relief does come at a cost that goes beyond the amount of money people may have paid for a stool softener or a laxative.

Preventing Constipation NaturallyA quick look at the causes of constipation may direct us toward more natural solutions to the problem. Common causes of constipation include the following:

  1. Inadequate intake of water
  2. A diet that is inadequate in fiber intake
  3. Inadequate activity or exercise characteristics of a sedentary lifestyle
  4. Stress and other emotions
  5. A diet that includes an excessive amount of dairy products, sweets or saturated fat

1. An adequate intake of water can be easily remedied by resolving to drink an extra two to four glasses of water a day. The only proviso to this solution would apply to people who’ve had their fluids restricted by medical advice. Drinking warm liquids earlier in the day can prove especially helpful.

2. Adding vegetables to one’s diet can improve overall health and addresses the problem of constipation in particular. It’s easy enough to forget that, along with the many nutrients and antioxidants that are found in fruits and vegetables, these foods typically contain healthy amounts of dietary fiber. The amount of dietary fiber in one’s diet can be further enhanced by consuming at least one serving of fruits such as prunes and cereals that contain a large portion of bran.

3. Long-standing anecdotal evidence has pointed to even a minimal amount of physical activities as a stimulus for bowel movements. Exercise has been proven to have health benefits in a more general sense as well. People who are generally healthy have been shown to have fewer problems relating to constipation also.

4. The emotional component of constipation is often overlooked. Once again the effect of stress on overall health is generally acknowledged and the effect of mental health on bowel movements has been shown to be significant.

5. It may be that not only dietary inadequacies in substances such as fiber can cause constipation, but excess amounts of certain foods can serve to stop up the bowels as well. A prime example of those sorts of foods has been found to be dairy products. Restricting or reducing the amount of dairy foods can improve symptoms of constipation for some people.

Thus far we have spoken of natural strategies that can improve the symptoms of constipation. We also mentioned the fact that many people seek to solve their constipation problems by taking remedies such as stool softeners and laxatives. Although these remedies can provide relief they also tend, when used excessively, to weaken the very muscles that are required for the bowels to function normally. This is yet another strong argument for attempting to address the symptoms of constipation naturally.

Frequently Asked Questions and Common Misconception Regarding Constipation

Constipation is a digestive complaint that troubles least 50 million Americans by some estimation. Headaches, bloating, cramping, vomiting, and nausea are some of the more common earmarks of this condition. Chronic constipation is especially troubling and costly considering that it’s the cause of around 2 1/2 million visits to the doctor annually and requires millions of dollars worth of medication.

Many people consider chronic constipation as a condition involving infrequency of bowel movements for weeks at a time. Other people describe chronic constipation is continually straining to pass stools. Of course these two descriptions can occur in a single individual. Both of these symptoms are caused by stools that are hard dry and difficult for the body to eliminate.

In terms of frequency constipation is defined as passing a stool less than three times a week that occurs for a period of time that lasts at least a month. Some people who feel they suffer from chronic constipation may be suffering from a mild form of hypochondria instead, in that they underestimate the frequency of their bowel movements.


One good way to get a handle on what can be done to remedy constipation, especially if it’s chronic is to take a look at some common misconceptions regarding constipation in general.

People should have a single bowel movement every day.

Not necessarily, less than 50% of people have a single bowel movement per day. If the number of bowel movements per week totals fewer than five then I’m suffering from chronic constipation.

In actual fact the normal range of bowel movements per week ranges anywhere from three to 21. I heard a guy on late-night television talking about how toxic chemicals can accumulate in my intestines if I don’t have enough bowel movements per week. He suggested that these toxic chemicals can cause generalized fatigue and diseases like cancer.

There is no concrete evidence that an accumulation of any chemical in the body is directly related to constipation of any kind. Older people tend to have more bowel movements per day or per week. Quite the opposite, as people age they tend to experience fewer bowel movements over any given period of time.

Constipation is one thing, but chronic constipation is really quite rare.

Chronic constipation affects more than 15% of people in the United States. It can be a debilitating condition and it costs millions of dollars in medical care and lost productivity.

Chronic constipation is pretty easy to fix; be sure to get enough fiber, drink a lot of water and get enough exercise and you’ll be fine.

Chronic constipation can be caused by a number of different factors. One commonly overlooked cause of chronic constipation is stress or depression. Medicine has come far enough to acknowledge that emotional issues can have a profound effect on health in any number of ways.

In addition, a number of medical problems can cause constipation. For example something called dyssynergic or outlet obstruction describes a condition where muscles located in the lower pelvis that surround the rectum don’t work in a normal fashion.

If you feel you are suffering from chronic constipation you should make an appointment to see your doctor.

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Preventing Constipation Naturally
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