
Treatment for Flatulence; Remedy and Cures for Gas Problem


Everyone has gas a problem (flatulence) has now and again. However, when you suffer from excessive gas problems, it may be time for you to explore flatulence treatment options. There are medications that you can buy over the counter that are quite effective and your doctor can also help you find a flatulence remedy that will work. Here are some common treatment options that work for flatulence.

There are many non-prescription medications that are quite effective for treating gas. These are usually inexpensive and work quickly. Some of these medications require you to take them before a gas-producing meal, while others work when taken after a meal. These types of medications include a wide array of antacids, such as Tums or Rolaids and often contain either Simethicone or activated charcoal. Simethicone is what is found in medications such as Mylanta. These are often available in both chewable form or liquid form and work quite well. If you have gas after eating a meal of dairy, then you may be lactose intolerant and a medication that contains digestive enzymes, such as Lactaid may be the right choice for you.

Treatment for Flatulence; Remedy and Cures for Gas Problem

These medications are made to help you digest the foods easier and will help reduce the bloating and bubbles in your digestive tract and these medications are safe for most people to take. They have little to lesser side effects and work quite quickly. In fact, some of these medications, such as Beano, are added directly to foods that are known to cause gas. They are tasteless and work.

Of course, if you have excessive flatulence and cannot get relief from any of these over the counter medications, then you may need to talk to your doctor about a prescription. While not commonly prescribed, there are prescription strength medications that may be able to help you and your gas.

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Treatment for Flatulence; Remedy and Cures for Gas Problem
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